Marc Tumeinski, PhD
Presentation Date TBD
Presentation Time TBD
Presentation Location TBD
Marc Tumeinski, PhD, is a trainer with the SRV Implementation Project, helping to teach workshops throughout the US and Canada primarily. As a service worker, he has supported children and adults with physical and/or intellectual impairments, as well as mental disorder, at home, school and work. Social Role Valorization, and related work by Wolfensberger, has been the guiding framework for his service-related efforts since his first involvement in human services.
Marc has evaluated a variety of human service programs in North America, including several Citizen Advocacy programs. He has given workshops and spoken at conferences on issues of violence in services, as well as the use of restrictive practices such as restraint, in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. Marc has an article on the topic of restraint use published in the February 2005 issue of Mental Retardation, as well as two more recent articles published in 2019 and 2023. He consulted to a group of family members and human service workers in Ontario (Canada) toward the goal of bringing an end to the use of, and training in, restraints by human services in that province.
Marc is particularly interested in the use of PASSING as an SRV teaching and evaluation tool and has developed multiple formats for preparing PASSING team leaders and report writers, and for using PASSING. Over the past few years, he has also began studying, teaching and using the most recent formulation of the Model Coherency construct developed by Wolfensberger.
Marc is the founding Editor of The SRV Journal and of SRV News and Reviews, published twice a year, containing original articles, vignettes, book and film reviews, etc. on topics related to Social Role Valorization and PASSING.
He is a member of the North American SRV Training, Development and Safeguarding Council. As such, he meets with other SRV teachers from across North America twice a year. Marc has presented at several international SRV conferences, including as a plenary speaker. Marc and his wife, Jo Massarelli, have offered hospitality in their home to poor and homeless people.
Marc blogs about SRV training and implementation issues. To check out the blog:
Hidden in plain sight: The scourge of the human service practice of restraint
Multiple forms of restraint (physical, mechanical, chemical) are commonly, even increasingly, accepted and used as valid human service approaches in a wide variety of disparate service fields, yet with very little comprehensive analysis of these dangerous practices. In this presentation, Marc Tumeinski draws upon multiple tools authored by Wolf Wolfensberger, including Social Role Valorization and Model Coherency, to examine the nature and impact of human service restraint practices, taking into account the heightened vulnerability of devalued people in services.